Anglican Journal
- Mr. Jason Antonio
- The Rev. Canon Milton J. Barry
- The Rev Canon Neil Elliot
- The Rt. Rev. George Elliott
- Ms Trina Gallop (ELCIC – partner)
- Mr. Peter Irish
- Mr. Jonn Lavinnder, Chair
- Mr. Trevor Powell
- The Rev. Susan Titterington
- Mr. Charles Wison
- Mrs. Susan Winn
Communications & Information Resources
- Mr. Jason Antonio
- The Rev. Canon Milton J. Barry (Toronto), Chair
- Ms. Yolanda Bird – resigned May, 2011
- The Rev. Canon Neil Elliot
- The Rt. Rev. George Elliott (Toronto)
- Ms. Trina Gallop (ELCIC – partner)
- Mr. Peter Irish
- Ms. Katie-Scarlett MacGillvray – to May 2011
- Mr. Trevor Powell
- The Rev. Susan Titterington
- Mr. Charles Wilson
- Mrs. Susan Winn
Faith, Worship and Ministry
- The Rev. Canon Andrew Asbil
- The Rev. Canon Eric Beresford
- Ms. Stephanie DeForest
- The Rev. Travis Enright
- Dr. Kenneth Hull
- The Very Rev. Iain Luke
- The Rev. Dr. Lynne McNaughton
- The Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls
- The Rev. Ann Marie Nicklin
- The Rev. Barbara Shoomski
- The Rev. John Steele
- The Very Rev. Peter Wall
- Ms. Lela Zimmer
Financial Management
- The Rt. Rev. James Cowan
- Rev. Hannah Dicks
- Mr. Rob Dickson (Chair)
- Mr. Kennedy Marshall
- Mr. Rob Saffrey
- Canon Paul Rathbone
- Ms. Marion Jenkins
Partners in Mission/EcoJustice
- The Ven. Larry Beardy
- Ms. Caroline Chum
- The Rev. Paul Gehrs (Lutheran Partner)
- Lt.(N)the Ven. Jennifer Gosse
- Ms. Cynthia Haines-Turner
- The Rt. Rev. Michael Ingham (Chair)
- The Rt. Rev. Pie Ntukamazina
- Mr. Nicholas Pang
- Ms. Anne Patterson
- The Rev. Jonathan Schmidt (Ecum. Partner)
- The Ven. Pierre Voyer
Pension Committee
Ex Officio Members
- The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz
- The Ven. Dr. Michael Thompson
- Ms.Hanna Goschy
- Canon Bob Falby
- Ms. Judy Robinson
Elected by General Synod 2010
- The Rt. Rev. Stephen Andrews
- The Rt. Rev. David Irving
- The Rev. Perry Cooper
- The Rev. Canon Alan Perry
- Mr. John McBride
- Canon Elizabeth Barnes
Current Trustees
- Ms. Karen McRae (Observer)
- Mr. Bob Boeckner
- Mr. Stephen Koning
- Ms. Sheryl Kennedy
- Ms. Josephine Marks (Chair of Trustees)
- Ms. Louise Greig
- Mr. David Stovel
Other Trustees who served during the triennium
- Ms. Laura Solomonian
- The Rev. E. Clitheroe
Appointed by the Pension Committee
- The Ven. Bruce Bryant-Scott
- The Ven. Ron Harrison
- Canon Mike Lowery
- The Rt. Rev. Philip Poole (Chair)
Resources for Mission Committee
- Mr. Robert Dixon
- Ms. Molly Finlay
- The Most Rev. Claude Miller
- Mr. Glen Mitchell
- Ms. Monica Patten (Chair)
- The Rev. Dr. Linda Privitera
Committees, Councils, Boards
Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples
- The Rev. Hannah Alexie
- The Ven. Larry Beardy
- The Rev. Norm Casey (Co-chair)
- The Ven. Sidney Black (Co-chair )
- Mrs. Ruth Carroll
- Mrs. Caroline Chum
- The Rev. Garrett Davis
- Mrs. Verna Firth
- The Rt. Rev. Adam Halkett
- The Rev. Chris Harper
- The Rev. Laverne Jacobs
- Mrs. Sylvia James
- Mrs. Freda Lepine
- The Rev. Lydia Mamakwa
- Mr. Willard Martin
- Mr. Todd Russell
- Mrs. Ruby Sandy-Robinson
Anglican Foundation
The Anglican Foundation of Canada
- The Most Rev. Fred J. Hiltz, Chair
- Ms. Fiona Brownlee
- The Rt. Rev. Percy Coffin
- The Rt. Rev. Terrance Dance
- Mr. Donald Dugan
- Dr. Alex Faseruk
- Mrs. Kathryn Hawkins
- Ms. Fiona Hickman
- Mr. Peter Irish
- The Rev. Elizabeth Northcott
- The Very Rev. Shane Parker
- Dr. Daphne Rixon
- Mrs. Sally Armour Wotton
Foundation members whose terms have Expired (since General Synod 2010)
- Ms. Anna Burwash (2005-2011)
- Mr. Donald Cranston (2007-2012)
- Mrs. Selma Doucet (2007-2013)
- Ms. Debra Gill (2005-2011)
- The Rev. Canon Michael Karabelas (2007-2013)
- Ms. Shelagh M’Gonigle (2007-2011)
- Mr. Gerald Rayner (†) (2005-2011)
Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, Board of Directors
- Ms. Farida Akhter (Retired Nov. 2011)
- Dr. Vivian Ayoungman (Resigned May 2011)
- Dr. Carol Baker Hofmeyr
- The Rt. Rev. Barry Clarke
- Mr. Jim Cullen (Retired Nov. 2012)
- Mr. Aaron Emery (Resigned May 2012)
- Dr. Donna Goodleaf (Retired Nov. 2011)
- The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz(Chair)
- The Rev. Geoffrey Howson (as of Nov.2012)
- Mr. Matt Koovisk (Retired Nov. 2012)
- Mrs. Maureen Lawrence
- Mr. Chris Longson
- The Rt. Rev. Thomas Morgan
- Mr. Thomas Morrison
- Ms. Lillian Newbery
- Ms. Judy Oatway (Retired Nov. 2010)
- Dr. William Ogara (Retired Nov. 2010)
- The Rev. Laura Marie Piotrowicz
- The Rt. Rev. Philip Poole (Retired Nov. 2010)
- The Rev. Canon David Pritchard
- The Ven. Lynn C. Ross
- Dr. Rafael Soares de Oliveira
- Mrs. Lynne Taylor
- Mr. Eric Traficante (Retired Nov. 2010)
- Mr. Dan Waterston (as of Nov. 2012)