Subject: Jerusalem Sunday
Moved by: The Rev. Canon Dr. Richard LeSueur, Diocese of British Columbia
Seconded by: The Rt. Rev. Michael Ingham, Diocese of New Westminster
Be it resolved that this General Synod:
Invite Anglicans in Canada each year:
i. To observe the Seventh Sunday of Easter, commonly known as the Sunday after Ascension Day, as Jerusalem Sunday;
ii. On that day give special attention to the work of the Anglican Church in the land of our Lord’s birth, death and resurrection, and;
iii. On that day take up a special financial offering as a gift to the Diocese of Jerusalem.
Source: Partners in Mission/EcoJustice Committee
Submitted by: Partners in Mission/EcoJustice Committee
Does this motion contain within it any financial implications? Yes No X
If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications? Yes No
The Anglican Church of Canada and the Diocese of Jerusalem have been companions in mission for many years – a relationship strengthened by prayer and learning about the life and witness of the diocese in Jerusalem, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. This resolution is intended to celebrate the ‘living stones’ of the Diocese of Jerusalem – Arab Christians and others serving in ministries of hospitality, education, health care, and reconciliation. This resolution is also intended to encourage local Canadian parishes and individuals to consider a special gift to the ministries of the Diocese of Jerusalem.
Procedure for Adoption: (G)
In the normal course, an ordinary motion must be passed by a majority of the Order of Bishops, and by a majority of the Orders of Clergy and Laity voting together.
Six members of General Synod may, prior to the question being put, require a vote by Orders, with a majority of each Order being necessary to pass.
If a question passes on a Vote by Orders, any six members (two from each of three different dioceses) may require a vote to be taken by dioceses. A motion passes if a majority of dioceses (or a tie) vote in favour.
Source: Section 5 of the Declaration of Principles and sections 18, 19 and 20 of the Rules of Order and Procedure
If Resolution A030 is given second reading, the required majority will be all Orders voting together.