Subject : The Church: Towards a Common Vision
Moved By: The Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls, Diocese of Toronto
Seconded By: The Rev. Lynne McNaughton, Diocese of New Westminster
Be it resolved that this General Synod
- receive with appreciation the document The Church: Towards a Common Vision (Faith and Order Commission, World Council of Churches) and commend it for study to the Anglican Church of Canada;
- extend its appreciation to John Gibaut, Alyson Barnett-Cowan, Natasha Klukach, Eileen Scully, Bruce Myers and Anne Privett, members of our church who contributed to the development of the document;
- direct the General Secretary to circulate the text to bishops, diocesan ecumenical officers and theological faculties, for wider circulation, study and response; and
- direct the Council of General Synod to cause a draft official response to be prepared by June 30, 2015.
Source : Faith, Worship, and Ministry Committee
Submitted By: Faith, Worship, and Ministry Committee
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The Church: Towards a Common Vision is a convergence text of the Faith & Order Commission. It is the culmination of a two decades-long ecumenical examination of the nature and purpose of the church, and is now being offered to the member churches of the World Council of Churches for reception. The possibility of pointing to a common understanding of what it means to be “the church” has great potential for enhancing ecumenical dialogue and cooperation. The document was also commended to us by the Anglican Consultative Council, along with a request to forward a copy of our response to the Council for information.
In the normal course, an ordinary motion must be passed by a majority of the Order of Bishops, and by a majority of the Orders of Clergy and Laity voting together.
Six members of General Synod may, prior to the question being put, require a vote by Orders, with a majority of each Order being necessary to pass.
If a question passes on a Vote by Orders, any six members (two from each of three different dioceses) may require a vote to be taken by dioceses. A motion passes if a majority of dioceses (or a tie) vote in favour.
Source: Section 5 of the Declaration of Principles and sections 18, 19 and 20 of the Rules of Order and Procedure
If Resolution A030 is given second reading, the required majority will be all Orders voting together.