No Debate List Procedure, General Synod 2013

  1. The Resolutions Committee, in consultation with the mover and seconder, shall identify resolutions likely to be approved without debate.  Those resolutions shall be listed by number and title on a No Debate List which shall be posted conspicuously in the assembly room and shall be kept current.  The time that a Resolution is added to the No Debate List shall be noted on the list. [For General Synod 2013, it is contemplated that the No Debate List containing all of the No Debate Resolutions will be posted at the beginning of General Synod]
  2. Resolutions on the No Debate List shall be decided in the order established by the Agenda Committee or the Chair.  Resolutions on the No Debate List shall maintain the level of priority they held prior to being placed on the No Debate List.
  3. The Resolutions from the No Debate List to be dealt with on any particular day shall be listed in the Orders of the Day.
  4. Resolutions on the No Debate List shall be decided without debate except that the mover of the resolution may speak for not more than three minutes.
  5.  No Resolution on the No Debate List shall be put to the Synod before it has been on the No Debate List for at least 24 hours except by the unanimous consent of the Synod.*
  6.  The Chair of the Resolutions Committee or the Prolocutor shall remove a resolution from the No Debate List where:
    1. any member requests that the Resolution be removed from the No Debate List within 24 hours of the Resolution having been posted on the No Debate List, or
    2. the Synod decides by majority vote on motion that the Resolution should be removed from the No Debate List.
  7. Members of Synod shall be advised that a Resolution has been removed from the No Debate List pursuant to paragraph 6(a) as soon as practicable after the Resolution has been so removed.

*   Unanimous consent is determined by the Chair asking, “Is there unanimous consent that . . .”, the members of the Synod responding, “yea” or “nay”, and the Chair announcing the result.

NOTE: Since this unanimous consent procedure represents a suspension of the Rules of Order it must be adopted by a 2/3 majority of the Synod before it can be used:  See Rule of Order #23.  This should be done at the commencement of General Synod 2013