The Very Rev. Peter Wall
On behalf of those who have been hard at work planning, I want to welcome you most warmly to the 40th General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada—this time taking place with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in Joint Assembly under the theme “Together for the Love of the World.”
This is a most exciting and historic meeting of our two churches, and we will show the world that, together, we do love the world and that, together, we participate in God’s important and life-changing mission in the world. We are very pleased that you will be with us!
Meeting together in Ottawa in July, we will
- Spend five days together praying, learning, studying, hearing, and deciding
- Meet fellow Anglicans and Lutherans from coast to coast to coast
- Enjoy the deep hospitality of our nation’s capital and the impressive facilities of Ottawa’s new convention centre
- Learn together about the exciting work in mission and ministry happening in both of our churches—here in Canada and around the world
- Worship together in beautiful surroundings, celebrating our decade-old full communion relationship
- Witness to the world our commitment to justice and peace
- Be inspired by keynote speaker, noted missiologist the Rev. Dr. Christopher Duraisingh
- Share, with our Lutheran partners, decisions affecting our own churches (meeting separately) and decisions and plans that we can make together
- Elect officers, council members, and committee members
- Hear important advice about our future—structures, finances, and governance
- Save some time using a hand-held electronic voting system
- Share many meals and a special banquet together with our Lutheran friends
- Enjoy beautiful Ottawa summer weather
- Participate together in a significant outdoor event, witnessing to the power of the Gospel
- Have fun!
I, along with the many staff and volunteers at Joint Assembly, look forward to welcoming you! Set your watches and your compasses—we begin at noon (EDT) on Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
I am excited about seeing you there!
The Very Rev. Peter Wall, Chair
General Synod Planning Committee