Resolution A042


Subject: Number of Clerical and Lay Members of General Synod

Moved By: Chancellor David P. Jones, Diocese of Edmonton

Seconded By: The Venerable Harry Huskins,  Diocese of Algoma

Be it resolved by this General Synod as follows:

1. Section 8 f) of the Constitution is amended to read as follows:

Dioceses shall be entitled to elect clerical and lay members of the General Synod as follows:

i) for dioceses having an average attendance of 2,499 persons or less, one member of each Order;

ii) for dioceses having an average attendance between 2,500 and of 4,999 persons or less, two members of each Order;

iii) for dioceses having an average attendance between 5,000 and 9,999 persons, three members of each Order;

iiiv) for dioceses having an average attendance between 10,000 and 14,999 persons, four members of each Order;

iv) for dioceses having an average attendance of 15,000 or more persons, five members of each Order plus one additional member of each Order for each 5,000 of additional average attendance in excess of 15,000.

vi) the words “average attendance”, as used in this section and elsewhere in the Constitution, shall mean the average attendance for liturgical celebrations for Easter, Pentecost, the second Sunday in September and Christmas in the second and third calendar years prior to the year in which General Synod will take place, as reported by the Diocese to Church House.

2. Paragraph 9 b) of the Constitution is deleted, paragraph 9 a) is renumbered as 9 b), and the following is enacted as new paragraph 9 a):

9  a) As soon as practicable in the year prior to the year in which General Synod will take place, the General Secretary shall publish the number of clerical and lay members which each diocese is entitled to pursuant to paragraph 8 f).

3. This resolution shall come into effect upon General Synod having given second reading to Resolution A019 R1 passed by General Synod 2010.

Source: Governance Working Group

Submitted By: Governance Working Group 

Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?      Yes     No X

If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?   Yes    No


See Appendices A-F of the Governance Working Group Report


Because Resolution GS 2013-GWG-1 will have provided second reading to Resolution A019 from General Synod 2010 and have removed the existing membership formula from section 3 of the Declaration of Principles, the membership formula will then only be in the Constitution.

An amendment to the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority of each Order voting at one session of General Synod:  section 11 b) of the Declaration of Principles